Daily Housewifey Dose #69

In life we never lose friends, we only learn who the TRUE ones are. – unknown

Sometimes you find your true friends immediately. Other times, you find out who are true far too late. The key is making sure you do not lose yourself and you are not left empty-handed at the end when you have to sort through who are real and who are not all by yourself.

Songs We’ve Forgotten

Here is another song that we may have already forgotten. Before you look at the song, ask yourself these questions

  1. Do you have bad days when you feel like everything is not going your way?
  2. Do you just want to give up sometimes and just leave everything be, because you can’t take it anymore?
  3. Do you have those days when you feel like you’ve lost the only true friend you’ve got?

When that day comes, remember this song.

Continue reading “Songs We’ve Forgotten”

On Target Living

When you eat, you like to know that you are eating right, especially when you often eat pre-prepared food or at restaurants. When you prepare your own meals, you also want to know that you are using the right ingredients to make a health meal and essentially a healthy YOU!

Image result for yoga

image source: coswb.as.ucsb.edu

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